Spring Onion 200gm (ﮨﺮاﭘﯿﺎز )
Spring Onion 200gm (ﮨﺮاﭘﯿﺎز )
Benefits of Spring Onion
Prevents common cold and flu
It is a good drug for treating viral and flu illnesses since it possesses antibacterial and antiviral effects. It also decreases mucus and fights the winter cold, which might make you feel unpleasant.
Helps in digestion
If you have severe digestive problems like gastritis, acidity, constipation, or other diseases, you can eat spring onions regularly to speed up your digestion. Spring onions are high in fiber, which aids in stool movement. It reduces bloated intestines and increases the activity of your digestive system.
Reduce Cancer Risk
Green onions contain allyl sulfide, a sulfur-containing chemical that helps prevent colon cancer. Furthermore, flavonoids protect against cancer by blocking xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that produces free radicals that damage DNA and cellular tissue. You must change your dietary habits and consume cancer-fighting nutrients to avoid cancer.
Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Sulfur compounds found in green onions have been demonstrated in studies to lower blood sugar levels via raising insulin levels. Insulin is required to transport sugar from the bloodstream to the cells of the body.
Beneficial For Eyes
Green onions include vitamin A, which is important for maintaining normal eyesight and keeping your eyes healthy and strong, and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. They also protect the eyes from inflammation and fight against macular degeneration, a disorder that causes vision loss.